kokokaka, Author at Kanozi Arkitekter

Kv Trevnaden awarded by Malmö city

Kv Trevnaden was awarded with an honorary mention by Malmö city Stadsbyggnadspris the 15th of September thanks to it’s collective nature (Urban planning award of the city of Malmö). Kv Trevnaden is located in Sofielund in Malmö. The block combines different ways of living: the 170 apartments consist of collective housing, service apartments, rentals and… Fortsätt läsa Kv Trevnaden awarded by Malmö city

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Release and house-warming party 6/11!

We have a new website and our office in Göteborg has gotten bigger. We want to celebrate it with you! On Friday 6/11 from 17:00.

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We win a competition in Malmö!

Kanozi wins an invited competition for an office building for Briggen in Hyllie, Malmö.

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Merry Christmas!

We at Kanozi want to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year! This year we have bought two Christmas presents: one to Stadsmissionen and the other one contributes to our playfullness. We will build many towers with our new Kapla in the future!

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New year’s promise?

The new years promise of the year? To run GöteborgsVarvet half marathon with us! For more info email:

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We welcome a new collegue!

The architect Ida Nordesjö started at our Göteborg office last week. She has previously worked at Archus in Stockholm. Welcome!

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New architect intern in Göteborg!

We welcome our new architect intern Victoria Plate to Kanozi Göteborg office. Victoria has a bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Chalmers and she has previously done an internship at Nyréns in Stockholm. Welcome!

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Kanozi participates in the invited competition on Sätuna torg

Kanozi is among the three chosen architectural offices to participate in the invited competition on Sätuna Torg. Kanozi arkitekter är utvalda att delta i ett parallellt uppdrag om Sätuna torg.  Av de nära 40 ansökningar är Kanozi ett av tre kontor utvalda av SigtunaHem att ta fram ett gestaltningsförslag i norra Märsta.

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New collegues in Malmö

We welcome Oliver Lühr, Mikael Bengtsson and Sandra Christensson to our Malmö office. Oliver and Mikael have previously ran Reform Arkitektur together. Oliver is architect and a new studio manager at Kanozi and Mikael is building engineer. Sandra Christensson is architect and we wish her welcome back to Kanozi: she did her internship here 2014.

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House warming party in Malmö 11/3!

We want to celebrate our new bigger Malmö office with you! Welcome to our house warming party with live music, food and drinks. Let us know if you are coming: Time: from 16:00 Place: Gråbrödersgatan 10

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Guest lecture ”Konflikt och opinion i stadsutveckling” by Carina Lindberg Glavå 30/3

Guest lecture ”Konflikt och opinion i stadsutveckling” by Carina Lindberg Glavå 30/3 at our Gothenburg office! In Swedish.

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Thank you for a successful Göteborgsvarvet event 2016!

Big thanks to everybody involved in this years GöteborgsVarvet: our partners, the runners and everybody that visited our tent. Göteborgsvarvet had the perfect conditions this year: sun, great athmosphere and excited runners. This is the third year that Kanozi cooperates with Optimore at Göteborgsvarvet and our runners ran in the Team Gold group.

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We are growing!

Pia Borg is the new administration manager at Kanozi. We also welcome Sara Engström, Ulf Barkan Pettersson, Anna Gustavsson, Caroline Bristulf Norén and Jeremy Barnes to our Gothenburg office. Pia is an economist and she har previously worked at Göteborg Energi as staff manager. Sara is a building engineer with work experience from Sweco. Ulf… Fortsätt läsa We are growing!

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Competition win in Åre!

We have won an architectural competition for a new apartment building in Åre, a popular winter sports centre in Sweden. The building consists of 21 apartments.

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We are working with Västlänken Central station!

Kanozi is part of the winning constallation – led by NCC – that is responsible for the design of the central station of Västlänken in Gothenburg. Västlänken is an important part of the new public transport vision in Gothenburg region. What an exciting project, we are thrilled to be involved in it! Image: Trafikverket

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New kanozians!

We welcome Lucy Roth and Susanna Åberg to Kanozi. Lucy is our latest reinforcement at the Malmö office. She did her architecture studies in Lund and Bergen and has previously worked at Sweco Architects. Susanna Åberg är a building engineer educated at Chalmers in Gothenburg. She has worked at Pousette & Co and now joines… Fortsätt läsa New kanozians!

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Building start för Kanozi designed block 6 of Valand in Kungsbacka

Yesterday marked the officiell building start for our project in Kungsbackas new city expansion Valand.

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”We look forward to strengthen and develop Sätuna torg”

Kanozi Architects submitted the winning concept for the new Sätuna torg.

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Detaljplanen antagen – projekt Masthuggskajen äntligen i mål

Projekt Masthuggskajen tog ett stort kliv framåt när byggnadsnämnden i Göteborg godkände detaljplanen 6 februari. I området mellan Järntorget, Långgatorna och hamnen ska 1 300 bostäder, 6 000 arbetsplatser samt restauranger, skolor och hotell byggas.

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”Jag drivs av att kunna skapa förbättringar”

Vi tog en pratstund med vår nya tillförordnade vd Helene Brandrup-Wognsen för att få veta mer om hennes bakgrund.

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”Olikheter och det oväntade inspirerar mig”

Kanozi välkomnar med glädje Malin Nilsson, ny kollega och planeringsarkitekt på malmökontoret.

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Helene Brandrup-Wognsen ny tf. vd på Kanozi

Kanozi Arkitekter spänner bågen för fortsatt tillväxt och ger styrelseordförande Helene Brandrup-Wognsen uppdraget som tillförordnad vd.

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Kanozi i Malmö anordnar föreläsning med psykolog Elvis Pavlovic den 8 februari

Varför vi människor mår som vi mår och hur det kan kopplas till vår omgivning. Det är temat när Kanozi bjuder in kunder och kollegor till en föreläsning med psykologen Elvis Pavlovic 8 februari.

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