
Kanozi Arkitekter is designing two of three stations for Västlänken. The two underground stations we are designing are Korsvägen and Göteborgs Central. The stations will be central hubs in the inner city that will facilitate travel to and from Gothenburg.

ClientTransport Authority

Part of the design of the stations involves the implementation of the art program Kronotopia, commissioned by the Swedish Arts Council. In close collaboration with selected artists, our Kanozi teams work to let the art design become a whole in the architectural design. In this way, we create unique and interesting meeting places that inspire dialog between people and their meeting points.

Complex with many actors

Västlänken is a controversial project with many different opinions. For our part, it is a complex project involving many actors and where we have to take into account and demonstrate enormous flexibility in order to constantly follow the development of the project, which is to some extent very much alive. It is a challenge to balance the aesthetic and architectural aspects in harmony with the structural engineering required for such a large infrastructure project. The stations must be easy to navigate and provide security for travelers to and from Gothenburg. Much consideration and time is also devoted to the issues that arise during the course of the project - in terms of the uninterrupted operation of the railway, as well as the capacity of the traffic in the face of future climate change, which can be very stressful in the event of high water levels and torrential rain.

With many players in long lines, it requires us to be responsive in order to find new ways when unexpected events occur within the project framework. No one in our team is complacent, always striving to find the most successful and creative solutions for everyone involved, without compromising the aesthetic result.

Visualization: TMRW

We are an international team with a wide range of expertise in many of the areas relevent for Västlänken, as well as expertise in previously completed projects used as references, based on our collective experience.

Johan Norén,
Design Director, Founder


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